Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Muzzled Horse of an Engineer in Search of Mechanical Saddles

When Mackenzie and I got to the John Cassavetes' Theater it was packed. "The Muzzled Horse of an Engineer in Search of Mechanical Saddles" was clearly a popular event to go to. As we go in with the final rush of volunteers trying to find seat, we were lucky to get some. The theater was completely packed every seat, and every place on the steps was taken. This was a silent film, with captions on the bottom of the screen. The main feature of this film was the live music by The Brockas. The music was supposed to lead us through the events in the film, and make us feel what was going on through sound. Personally it was a bit much for me, the music was quite loud, almost distracting. The film was graphic with images, along with the language used.

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