Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Avant-Garde of the Kino Club #1

Unchartered Serbia: Avant-Garde of the Kino Clubs #1 is a collection of short experimental films released in 2005. It focuses on the experimental films of the 1920s and 1930s. Experimental film is a type of film making that takes a detour from mainstream filming, creating a new style that allows the viewer to gain a deeper understanding of the film. This is the second year that the Thessaloniki Film Festival has had an Experimental Film category. Going into this film I no idea what to expect - I had never seen an Experimental Film before. This type of filmmaking is very different from the ordinary movies that I watch back home. I viewed five different short films, each with its own unique style, each telling a different story. In the end I would have to say that for a person to enjoy and understand this type of film a certain taste must be acquired. It is a different way of viewing a story and a different way of understanding the filmmaking process that will take me some time to fully appreciate.

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